Literary terms
Literary terms
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Literary terms
accumulation |
acronym |
act |
acting time |
action |
allegory |
alliteration |
allusion |
anachronism |
anacoluthon |
anadiplosis |
anagram |
anaphora |
anastrophe |
anecdote |
antagonist |
anticlimax |
antistrophe |
antithesis |
aporia |
aposiopesis |
apostrophe |
archaism |
aside |
assonance |
asyndeton |
atmosphere |
attitudinal adverb |
author omniscient |
ballad |
blank verse |
cacophony |
caesura |
caricature |
character |
characterization |
cartoon |
chiasmus |
chronological order |
climactic order |
climax |
cliff-hanger |
cloak-and-dagger |
comedy |
comic relief |
comic strip |
comment |
complication |
conflict |
connotation |
contrast |
counterplot |
couplet |
crisis |
denotation |
denouement |
description |
dialectical order |
diary |
didactic |
documentary fiction |
drama dramatic |
dramatic irony |
editorial or leader |
elegy |
ellipsis |
emotive language |
enjambment |
entrance |
epic |
epigram |
essay |
euphemism |
exaggeration |
exit |
exposition |
expressionism |
eye rhyme |
fable |
falling action |
feature story |
figurative meaning |
flashback |
focus |
foot feet |
forms of discourse |
frame story |
free verse |
historical fiction |
hyperbole |
iambus |
idiom idiomatic speech |
image imagery |
instruction |
interior monologue |
interview |
irony |
jargon |
keyword outline |
layout |
leading article |
letter to the editor |
line |
listing order |
literal meaning |
litotes |
metaphor |
metonymy |
metre |
mode of presentation |
monologue interior |
moral |
narrating time |
narrator |
naturalism |
news story |
non-fiction (non-fictional) |
novel |
ode |
onomatopoeia |
open ending |
oral history |
oxymoron |
parable |
paradox |
parallelism |
parody |
personification |
play |
pleonasm |
plot |
poem |
point of view |
polysyndeton |
praeteritio |
protagonists |
pun |
quatrain |
realism |
register |
repetition |
representation |
examples are |
report |
rhetoric |
rhetorical question |
rhyme |
rhyme scheme |
rhythm rhythmic |
rising action |
sarcasm |
satire |
scene |
science fiction |
setting |
short story |
simile |
sketch |
slang |
solecism |
solution |
sonnet |
speaker |
speech |
stage direction |
stanza |
stream of consciousness |
summary |
suspense |
theme |
time-scheme |
tone |
topical order |
turning-point |
type |
understatement |
utopia utopian |
zeugma |
Literary terms
Literary terms
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